Northern Medical Center in Middletown Offers Wellness Program for First Responders

Northern Medical Center’s 12-week Wellness Program pilot for Middletown first responders offers personalized holistic health solutions.

Middletown Police Chief John Ewanciw at Northern Medical Center on Feb. 20, 2023. (Cara Ding/The Epoch Times)

Northern Medical Center is offering first responders in Middletown it’s Wellness Program pilot. The open house on Feb. 20 kicked off an introduction to the program. The Epoch Times attended the open house and had this to say, “Program participants will first be evaluated so that personalized wellness plans can be developed, which encompass physical therapy, fitness sessions, nutrition and diet, stress management, Chinese acupuncture, and mental health.” The Epoch Times reporter also quoted Police Lt. Patrick Cunningham talking about how the program offers a holistic health solution to monitoring pain, “Usually, a lot of police officers want a quick fix to pain, so they are going to take Advil, ibuprofen, or go to the doctors for something else. But if we can look at it from another angle or viewpoint, I’ll definitely take advantage of it and give it a shot.”

The 12-week program will connect participants to the five dimensions of health – physical, metabolic, energetic, mental, and spiritual health. It will enable them to be their healthiest and regain a sense of well-being. To read more from The Epoch Times please click on the link.

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