American Heart Month: How To Improve Your Heart Health

February is American Heart Month, and we have put together several important tips to help you improve your cardiovascular health. Remember to pass these along to your loved ones! A healthy heart is the foundation of wellbeing, so never underestimate the importance of taking extra care of this vital organ.

Watch Your Blood Sugar

Most people know that high blood sugar levels can cause diabetes. What you may not be aware of is that diabetics are also at increased risk of heart disease. This risk also applies to people who haven’t received a diabetes diagnosis but still have high blood sugar. Whether you’re a diabetic or a prediabetic, managing your glucose is a heart-healthy move.

Manage Your Weight

Being diagnosed as overweight or obese means you have excess body fat. These conditions can increase the amount of harmful cholesterol in your blood, reduce beneficial cholesterol levels, or raise your blood pressure. What do these outcomes have in common? They can all worsen your heart health, so discuss weight management with your doctor to begin safely lowering your BMI.

Monitor Your Vital Signs

If you’re at increased risk of heart disease or an existing sufferer, you may benefit from monitoring your vitals.  Adopting a monitoring routine is an easy way to feel more in control. No matter whether you get checked at a clinic or do it yourself, the information you gather can help you make more informed healthcare decisions.

Your doctor can recommend the best vitals to monitor when it comes to your heart health. In some cases, ordering diagnostics bloodwork can help them gain a clearer picture of your cardiovascular health and make personalized recommendations.

Ask Your Doctor Questions

Heart health can be confusing, and no two people are alike. Ask your doctor about your:

  • Blood pressure: Know how often you should get checked, how your medications impact your blood pressure, and what your numbers mean.
  • Risk factors: Your doctor can explain how factors such as smoking, drinking, BMI, genetics, and cholesterol play into your unique circumstances.
  • Healthy lifestyle changes: Get to know what you can do better to improve your heart health. Are there diagnostic tests you should get or foods you should eat? Should you avoid stress or start exercising? Work with your provider to create a personalized plan that fits you.

Make Smarter Heart Health Choices With Help From Northern Medical Center

Improving your heart health is a unique, highly personal journey. When you’re ready to start moving in the right direction, chat with the staff at Northern Medical Center in Middletown, NY. Book online, or call 845-800-5118.

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Thứ Hai – Thứ Sáu: 9 giờ sáng – 5 giờ 30 chiều
Thứ Bảy – Chủ Nhật: 9 giờ sáng – 5 giờ 30 chiều (Chỉ dành cho châm cứu)